
@ 2018 Tongyu Heavy Industry Co., Ltd Stock code:300185
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Love conveys warmth—Raise money for care aid fund by Tongyu Heavy Industry Co., Ltd

Tongyu News
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In April 2018, Tongyu received RMB 316,060 from her staffs, including Mr. Si Xingkui, the company's chairman, who donated RMB 100,000 and Mr. Si Yong, the company’s director, who donated RMB 20,000.Tongyu’s aid fund was established in March, 2017. Under the initiative of the company and the leadership of the company's party committee and all management personnel, the aid fund has got strong support from Tongyu's staffs and received a total donation of RMB 610,260 since its establishment. Thirty poor workers got help and rescue fund of amount RMB 250,000 was issued.
Over the years, compassion donation has become an excellent tradition in our company. Love is invaluable and friendship is more profound, Tongyu will always practice and fulfill its social responsibilities of charity and love.

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